How to See All My Google Play Uploads

YouTube Music

It'south official: YouTube Music will fully supercede Google Play Music this month. This won't come as a surprise -- YouTube announced the change back in August, and over the last few months, Google Play Music users lost the power to buy, preorder, upload or download music on the platform, or stream music from the app.

But don't worry -- you lot still have time to transfer your library to YouTube Music before Google Play Music shuts downwardly completely. And YouTube Music has a tool that will help you move your unabridged library, profile and playlists from Google's streaming service into YouTube's revamped one with just one tap. YouTube Music too recently got some new features that may make it a bigger competitor to streaming services such as Spotify and Apple Music.

Read more:Best music streaming service: Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon and more

Yous'll still observe your playlists, uploads, purchases and likes in Google Play Music until the end of the month, so you can make your transfer to YouTube Music. But your Google Play Music library will no longer be available after December.

YouTube Music released a tool back in May to aid you motility your music, playlists and preferences over to the platform, which nosotros'll explain how to use below. Or you tin use Google Takeout to export a copy of your library while you decide what to do with it. If you haven't washed either yet, now is the time. If you don't transfer your account, Google will cancel your subscription at the end of the last billing cycle (you'll exist notified alee of fourth dimension).

As of last year, YouTube Music and Premium had 20 one thousand thousand paid subscribers, compared to about 130 1000000 on Spotify. Where YouTube Music stands out from its competitors is in its deep integration with your YouTube and Google profiles, which translates into better recommendations for y'all, the companies say. Since many people use YouTube for music discovery, the Music app tracks your video searches and determines what you might desire to hear side by side.

At present playing: Scout this: Movement your Google Play Music data to YouTube Music


How to move your music from Google Play Music to YouTube Music

1. Download the YouTube music app, for iOS or Android. (Or, to do it from a desktop, become to, and click transfer.)

two. You'll see a transfer button at the tiptop of the screen in both Google Play Music and YouTube Music. Tap information technology from either app, and your uploads, purchases, added songs and albums, personal and subscribed playlists, likes and dislikes, curated stations and personal gustatory modality preferences will all start moving from Google Play Music to YouTube Music.

three. Depending on how much music is in your library, the move could take up to a few hours. You can close the app and apply your telephone in the meantime, and open up information technology dorsum up to runway the progress if you desire to. You lot'll go a notification and an electronic mail when your music library transfer is complete.

4. Open up YouTube Music and find your music in the Library tab, along with updated recommendations.

If yous listen to podcasts on Google Play Music, you can besides transfer your subscriptions and episode progress to Google Podcasts past going to


Transfer your music from Google Play Music to YouTube Music through their apps or on desktop.

YouTube Music

What'due south the deal with YouTube Music?

YouTube Music works through an app and spider web player, offering more than fifty million official tracks, albums, deep cuts, B-sides, live performances and remixes.


YouTube Music has been revamped.

YouTube Music

YouTube recently added several new features, based on user feedback:

  • Playlist cosmos: Playlists tin now accept up to 5,000 songs (instead of the previous i,000). You can besides do a quick search from inside a playlist to add a new song, and add together music videos to playlists along with songs. Stations from Google Play Music are at present found in YouTube Music as playlists, and yous can search through their tracks.
  • Uploads: Listen to your uploaded and purchased music from Google Play Music, after you transfer, or add up to 100,000 personal tracks to your library in YouTube Music (Google Play Music only allowed 50,000).
  • Offline listening: Paying members tin can download any song, playlist or music video, or let a smart downloads feature (bachelor on Android just for at present) do it for you.
  • Explore tab: A new Explore tab offers music discovery, including new music and playlists by mood or genre.

Another cool feature: Toggle over to the lyrics of a song while you're listening to become karaoke-ready, or over to its music video, which plays in real-time with the song.

How much does moving to YouTube Music cost?

Correct now, pricing is the same between Google Play Music and YouTube Music. You tin can mind to an ad-supported version of YouTube Music for complimentary, or pay for YouTube Music Premium for $9.99 (£nine.99, AU$11.99) a month, which includes background listening, downloads and an ad-complimentary experience. You can also subscribe to YouTube Premium to become those benefits across all of YouTube, for $11.99 (£11.99, AU$fourteen.99) a calendar month.

Google Play Music Unlimited members will automatically exist moved to the equivalent tier of YouTube Music Premium or YouTube Premium based on their current subscription, at the same price.

For more, bank check out five tips and tricks to become the about out of YouTube Music.


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